Zenza Bronica SQ-A

London in Shanghai GP3

Bronica SQ-A camera. Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 lens. Shanghai GP3 medium format film. Home developed in Ilford LC29 1:29.

It wouldn’t be the same without the road worker sweeping on the bottom right hand corner.  He spotted me just after this and quickly moved away, so I didn’t get the chance of another.  Taken in London on a recent day trip.  I like this, there is so much detail.  I took it on that cheap Chinese Shanghai GP3 film.  I really like that stuff, despite the curliness.  I’ve just had another batch of ten of them arrive from China via Ebay.  I’m also trialing another developer – one shot Ilford LC29.  Pleased with the first roll, diluted to a fairly mean 1:29 ratio with water.

That’s still the Post Office tower to me in the background.  Not too sure what they call it now.  Is it the “BT Tower”?


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